Saying Yes to the Truth About Yourself, feat. Scott Erickson (Enneagram 4) [S05-041]


Life doesn't always go as we plan.  As we grow up, we develop certain expectations about who we are and what we'll become.  But sometimes those dreams don't come true. So, what do you do when the dreams die?

Artist, Artist, and Enneagram 4, Scott Erickson joins me for a discussion about life beyond the death of those dreams.  We explore the importance of grieving past expectations and he illustrates the freedom that comes from saying yes to new opportunities and finding your true self in the gifts of life.  

 Scott Erickson is a touring painter, performance artist and creative curate who mixes autobiography, aesthetics, and comedic narrative to create experiences that speak to our deepest stories. He is the coauthor of Prayer: Forty Days of Practice and May It Be So, the author of Honest Advent, a spiritual director to brave women and men, and a professional dishwasher for his food-blogging wife. Scott lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and three children.